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Meetings and Agendas
City Council meetings are held every 1st Tuesday of the month @ 7:00 PM in the City Council room, 2nd floor City Hall.
The agenda will be posted here prior to the meeting.
These meetings will be a Hybrid meeting with some board members present and others present by video conference / Zoom.
Bottom of the agenda has instructions on how to join the meeting via Zoom.
Zoom access: ID# 291 629 7131 Password 34139
P& Z Board meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the City Council room, 2nd floor City Hall.
The agenda will be posted here prior to the meeting
These meetings will be a Hybrid meeting with some board members present and others present by video conference / Zoom.
Bottom of the agenda has instructions on how to join the meeting via Zoom.
Zoom access: ID# 291 629 7131 Password 34139
Code Enforcement Hearings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the City Council room, 2nd floor City Hall.
The agenda will be posted here prior to the meeting
These meetings will be a Hybrid meeting with some board members present and others present by video conference / Zoom.
Bottom of the agenda has instructions on how to join the meeting via Zoom.
Zoom access: ID# 291 629 7131 Password 34139